Building a Cybersecurity Solution for your business

3 min readJun 19, 2021

We live and work in an online dominated environment today. Everything you do, from simple documents to complex projects, is shared, worked on and presented through the digital world. For businesses of all sizes, data is their most valuable asset, and with cyber criminality the fastest growing threat to that data and the infrastructure that supports it, cybersecurity has taken on a new importance.
However, few businesses have the in-house knowledge to take on the challenge of cybersecurity without assistance, and for those tasked with implementing new security initiatives, it can be a daunting challenge. As cybersecurity experts, we are here to provide the guidance and help you need to make informed choices.

Photo by Dan Nelson on Unsplash

Different Approaches to understand cybersecurity needs

There are several different approaches to understanding cybersecurity, each having their own benefits. Once of those is based on machine learning, using multi task learning to gain a better understanding of the subject.

Another approach is built from SWOT analysis. This is most commonly used to build planning and decision-making strategies but is effective in developing a structured learning process too. Others may take another route, using Risk Management Frameworks, such as the NIST Framework, to help gain an understanding of the topic.

Additional information, as can be found by researching online through Google, or various professional resources, such as CVE are a great supplement to boost understanding and improve insight.

But there is a better way, using a simplified risk assessment framework, and that is Smarty Cyber Security.

How it Works

Smarty Cyber Security is designed from the ground up to help you achieve your goals, using Smarty Templates to create a simple approach that gets you started. This provides the support you need to identify and understand the threats that exists for your business, especially true for small businesses.

With the Smarty system, you do not need to be a cybersecurity expert to assess the risks involved for your business. It will guide you through the process, helping highlight potential threats and the risk reduction controls you can use to tackle them. It automatically updates your assessment with the most relevant of those potential threats, and the most suitable responses, using AI-based algorithms that match your assessment with effective solutions drawn from a comprehensive Knowledge Graph.

For those with more experience in cybersecurity, including IT professionals, the option to develop custom templates to cater to your unique needs is always there. This framework helps to structure risk assessment and identify the specific risks you face, and the appropriate control mechanisms that need to be implemented to combat them.

Next Steps

We will look at real-world cases and further details of the process in our next post.




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